Simply, fill out the contact form and you will be contacted within 24 hours.
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How do I get a tutor?
Edmonds Tutoring uses a multi-dimensional approach: visual, auditory, and technological tools to help students have their moment of clarity. We ask that our students put forth 100% effort, and we guarntee individual personalized tutoring.
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How does Edmonds Tutoring work?
You can get help with reading comprehension, writing, the writing process, resumes, and personal statements.
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What can I get help with?
What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
Edmonds Tutoring will cater terms for students for a quarter, semester, or year. If a student requests, we will create specified contracts for a term.
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Yes. Students can always review past lessons. Records of lessons are kept in electronic and paper form.
Can I review my previous sessions?
Edmonds Tutoring offers a complimentary lesson for all new students. The lesson lasts 30 minutes and is conducted at an agreeable meeting place.